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Can Your Security System do These 3 Things?

Can Your Security System do These 3 Things?

Experience the Difference of Working with a Smart Home Expert

A security system is made of more than an alarm and a few surveillance cameras. Real home security consists of complete control and 24-7 monitoring. Not only do you want to have constant access to what’s going on in your Rogers, AR home, you also need the ability to respond quickly and prevent emergencies from occurring in the first place. In this blog we are going to cover three features of integrated security that most typical systems don’t have. But when you work with A/V Design Consultants, you have access to the most current and cutting-edge security. Read on to learn more.

SEE ALSO: 3 Unique Ways to Use Security Cameras

Indoor / Outdoor and Environmental Sensors

Environmental sensors can detect breaking glass, water leaks, and smoke giving you the information you need to act quickly. These sensors help prevent disasters by notifying you when there are abnormal/extreme temperatures, or dangerous chemicals exposed. You’ll get an email or text right to your phone so you can either drive home immediately or call 911. You’ll never come home to a flooded basement because your smart home will alert you to the leak as soon as it starts.

Remote Locking

Did you or your kids forget to lock the front door, but you’re already on the plane headed for a business trip? With our smart systems, you can lock any door from any location as long as you have Internet access! These door locks are also smart enough to report to your security system when someone enters or exits the house, as well as which passcode was used. You can receive a text or email when this happens which is a great way to know the house sitter arrived or if the mailman left a package on your doorstep. Protect sensitive areas of your home like gun rooms, wine cellars and home theaters by installing automated door locks on interior doors. Different sizes are available and some include the actual handset or doorknob.

In addition, our entry systems can be integrated into your phone system so that when someone rings the doorbell, your phone rings. You can answer it and speak to the visitor, or press a button to open the gate. Add video capability, and you can see who’s there. Access can be controlled with magnetic door locks, biometric fingerprint access, and perimeter barriers such as gate control.

Mockupancy Settings

What are some ways to prevent burglaries? One effective and easy way to deter break-ins is using a mockupancy setting with your smart home. This setting turns on certain features in your home, like lights, the TV, and opening and closing shades to make it appear as if someone is in the house. A dark house is a signal to criminals that their path is clear, but they’ll never enter a home that is occupied. 

Are you interested in updating your security system with these integrated features? Effective security starts with knowing what is available to you. Contact us today to set up a meeting with our team of experts.

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