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3 Lighting Control Features for Enhanced Security

An entryway and staircase illuminated by in-ceiling lights.

Elevate Your Home Security with Advanced Lighting Control 

Safety and security are often the primary reasons our clients are interested in lighting control systems. Seamless lighting control is not just a luxury; it quickly becomes an integral part of your lifestyle and allows you to create a haven at your Fayetteville, AR, home. This is especially true for those with older family members or young children, who may be more prone to accidents in areas with limited lighting. Below, we discuss three key features that help give our clients peace of mind. 

  484 Hits

What Are Smart Locks?


Getting the lock right is always important.

No matter if you are in a duplex, a midsized family home, or a luxurious estate, safety is always important. Smart locks are a great way to combine the technology and smart home systems you already know how to use with additional functionality that will make your home – and your family – safer in the long run. At AV Design Consultants, we know that part of our role in this community is keeping customers safe, and we know smart locks are just one way to do that.


So, let’s open the door on smart locks. This week we’re going to go through a primer on what smart locks are, how they work, and how they can help bring safety and piece of mind to your family. Let’s dive right in.

  515 Hits

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