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3 Signs Your Home Network Setup is Failing You

A woman working at a laptop computer in a home office.

You Might Need a Home Network Upgrade

In today's world, connectivity is a must-have utility. We depend on it for so many daily activities in Bentonville, AR, whether for school, work, or entertainment. When your connectivity falters, sometimes it's hard to figure out the culprit in your home network setup. Keep reading for three signs that your network might require some expert help.

  786 Hits

Understanding the Difference Between Smart Homes and Home Automation


Technology is constantly looming in our lives. Smart thermostats regulate our household temperatures. Security devices keep our houses safe while we’re away. Our health is continuously monitored with wearable technology. A camera watches our pets at home. We can’t escape technology, so we might as well embrace it. As we add more technology to our everyday life, it can be pretty confusing to understand the terms for different technologies.

It’s common to hear “smart home” and “home automation” used interchangeably, and while they are related, there is a big difference between the two.

  470 Hits

Multi-Room Audio: Turn Your Home into a Musical Adventure


It’s time to take music everywhere.

Back in the day, listening to music used to be tethered to the physical realm: The vinyl goes on the platter or the disc goes into the player, you sit close by, and you listen through speakers or headphones connected to player. And that was pretty much it.  

But that’s not the way it is anymore.

With multi-room audio systems, you and your music are free of physical wires and media. Music can flow throughout your whole house — all wirelessly. Let’s take a look at what is possible for multi-room audio, and what awesome features you are missing out on.

  452 Hits

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