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What is Geofencing & How Can It Make Your Smart Home Even Better?

What is Geofencing & How Can It Make Your Smart Home Even Better?

Setting Up Boundaries

What is geofencing? It's a location-based technology that uses GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, or cellular data to trigger a pre-programmed action when a mobile device enters or exits a virtual boundary set up around a geographical location. Basically, it uses your location to trigger specific actions on smart devices and controls once you've entered or left the virtual boundary you created.

Geofencing is controlled and managed through a Z-wave powered smart hub or panel and combines all your smart devices and controls into one cohesive network. You can set triggers for your lights, security system, smart plugs, GPS trackers, thermostats, door locks, electronic devices, smart appliances, sprinkler systems, and in-home sound systems. That's your entire home!

Keep Cool & Bright

With warmer temperatures on the way, you have to stay on top of your home's utility bill. And if you already have a smart thermostat, you're on the right track. But it can be better.

When used with geofencing, you can set it so your thermostat automatically raises the temperature a few degrees when you leave the house, which helps you save on energy. You can also program the thermostat to lower the temperature once you've reached the boundary of your geofence, so your house begins to cool when you arrive.

As for lights, you can do something similar where your porch lights and interior lights automatically turn on, so you don't come home to a dark house. While you can do that with ordinary smart home automation, this way, you don't have to fiddle with timing and schedules — it's all based on where you, and your smartphone, are currently located!

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3 Important Factors to Consider when Choosing a Home Automation System


Lifestyle & Goals

One way to start thinking about what you need in your smart home is to consider your overall lifestyle and goals. Walk through your house, take notes about your daily routine and figure out what can be automated. It will give you a better sense of what your home can look like, fully automated. Do you want to never have to worry about house keys or codes? Do you want your home's thermostat to always be optimized? Have complete surveillance both in and out of your home? You may want all of those things. However, just because there are dozens of options for automation doesn't mean you'll need or want to use them all right away.

Rather than starting with a whole system, you can start with one that controls only a specific home feature like your security, entertainment, thermostats, etc. And that way, you can get scalable home automation systems that let you expand on the system when you want to. But, identifying your overall goal will guide you in effectively selecting your home automation system. This is also the time to establish your budgets.

Functions & Controls

Next, you'll want to choose a home automation setup with controls that are suitable for you. Hardware-based, software-based, or a combination of the two are the three primary types of home automation control centers.

  • Software is designed for people with more complex home automation needs.
  • Hardware is best for simple systems with manual controls.
  • Hybrid systems are ideal if you want to utilize triggers to automate events such as motion-activated sensors and conditional events such as a thermostat that sets a room temperature at a specific time of day.

From there, you can pick a system that has the new innovative functions and includes all of the exciting, high-tech features, such as remote control, smartphone app, and voice control, among other things. If a system requires an app, you should also check if it is compatible with your devices.

After finding a compatible system, double-check that it has all of the features that assure ease of use and efficiency.

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How Voice Control Can Maximize Your Smart Home

How Voice Control Can Maximize Your Smart Home


One essential advantage of voice control is convenience. You can voice-manage any feature of your home automation system with only one accessory when using voice control.

Imagine arriving home in the dark after just returning from the grocery store with your hands full. But with voice commands, you can easily switch on the lights without having to juggle what you have in your hands!. And if you have a smart fridge, you can verbally create a note if you run out of milk and set up a notification reminder.

Voice control can especially help those who are elderly or disabled and have limited mobility as they can easily control any system that is hooked up to the home automation controller via their voice.

Home Security

Another benefit of voice control is how much it’ll improve your home’s security system and effectiveness. A voice control system can integrate with your surveillance cameras, alarm system, smart locks, and motion sensors, allowing you to keep a close eye on what's occurring on and around your property and effortlessly adjust what you need.

Increased Energy Efficiency

When your home is voice-connected, you can have excellent control over the little things like your energy use. Being able to manage your home's lights and temperature with your voice is not only handy, but it can also conserve energy and save household expenses. This will also make it simple for you to stay informed about the general climate in your house and make adjustments.

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