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How a 4K Projector can bring Movie Theater Quality Home


Have you been missing that Hollywood-style movie magic?

Being the big A/V nerds that we are at AV Design Consultants, we know that we’ve been missing the experience of going to check out new movies on the big screen. But just because it’s been a while since we’ve been out to the movies doesn’t mean that we’ve haven’t been able to enjoy the big screen. At least, at home. 

That’s right – with a top-of-the-line movie theater, we can help you bring that movie experience home, no matter how long commercial theaters must remain closed. Let’s look at what a home theater can bring to you and your family, and how we can help you experience stunning silver screen movies right from the comfort of your home.

Distance Learning Tips for the New Year


New year, new semester, but same old walls? We have some smart home solutions for that!

Now that distance learning has been going on for quite some time, we thought that all of you wonderful AV Design Consultants customers might be looking for even more tips on how to handle the situation. Keeping kids busy while also balancing the technological needs of working from home can be a tough act to maintain. 

As we begin the new year, finding ways to keep your kids focused and on task after the holidays and breaks can be especially tricky. We’ve put together a few suggestions with a tech focus, so let’s take a look at some ways to reinvigorate your family’s distance learning efforts. 

How to Keep New Year's Resolutions -- Smart Home Edition


It’s time for smart home technology to help with those New Year’s resolutions. 

At AV Design Consultants, we spend a lot of time talking about the benefits of smart home automation and how its many features and offerings can improve the quality of your life. But to help all of our customers start off the year on the right foot, we wanted to hyper focus this week’s blog on specific ways that your smart home can help you remember – and stick to – your 2021 New Year’s resolutions. 

So, we’ve put together a list of some common resolutions and come up with some easily applicable solutions that your smart home will be able to assist with. Whether your goal this year is to lose weight, read more, or something as simple as sleep better – your smart home has you covered. 


Tech Trends 2021 -- What to look for Next Year


Happy New Year everybody! Or at least ... almost.

2021 is right around the corner, which means a few things: First, that we survived 2020! And second, that lots of new tech trends are also right around the corner. At AV Design Consultants, we can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for smart homes and smart technology.

So, we thought of a great way to both help celebrate the end of this year and ring in the start of next year: A look at some exciting and upcoming tech trends! We’ve only got one week left in 2020, so today our blog is all about looking ahead at what paths the industry may take next year.

Of course, the tech industry is always full of surprises, so this list is only our best guess. But for now, here are just a few trends to keep an eye out for as we head into 2021.

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